Zmey Gorynych - the dragon from Russian fairy tailes |
I have visited safari-park Kudykina gora in Lipetsk region after its renovation.
More animals, more interesting art objects below.
Kudykina gora is a large field with the hill and the river Don. You can spend there a day or a couple of days living in comfortable houses or in the camping.
The main places of interest in safari-park are the fortress and the dragon Zmey Gorynych. Zmey Gorynych - the dragon with three heads - belches fire on weekends. The fortress was built according to ancient drawings. It is the copy of ancient fortress. Inside you can take part in a quest.
Near the fortress there are three Russian fabulous heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alesha Popovich.
The fortress and three Russian heroes |
And some sights inside the fortress
Inside the fortress |
Inside the fortress |
Inside the fortress |
Walking in the fortress pay attention to Baba Yaga's house. In Russian fairy tales Baba Yaga is a cunning character, living in the house with chiken legs.
Baba Yaga's house |
On the territory of safari-park there are two wells. They are situated in opposite sides of the park. One of them was built in a Greek style.
The well in a Greek style |
The well in a Greek style |
The well in a Greek style |
Not far from this place you will see large wooden horse and ox.
Wooden ox and horse |
The second well seems to be built in an Asian style.
The well in Asian style |
The highest point in the safati-park is the hill Kudykina gora. On its top there is the art object with angels.
The art object on the top of Kudykina gora |
Kudykina gora was called safari-park because there are a lot of animals: horses, cows, camels, goats, llamas and others. Here you can also look at orange sheeps.
Orange sheeps in the safari-park |
Camels in the safari-park |
Cows in the safari-park |
llama in the safari-park |
Moreover, in the safari-park black swans, turtles, raccons and other animals live.
A turtle in the safari-park |
A raccon in the safari-park |
Black swans in the safari-park |
Safari-park is closed in winter. So you can visit it only in warm season.
Nice article!