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Peter the Great: One Person – So Different Monuments

The monument to Peter the Great, Petropavlovskaya fortress, St. Petersburg
Peter the Great was he first Russian emperor, outstanding person who really changed Russia. Russian artists and sculptors create lots of masterpieces dedicated to the first Russian emperor Peter the Great. Now I am going to tell about two monuments to the emperor.
From the youth Peter the Great was interested in science, engineering and learning of other countries. He combined all his interests travelling in Europe. Peter the Great studied not only scientific things but also manners, customs, mentality of other nations. Later he made customs in Russia more European. For example, he ordered the nobles get rid of their beards. Because of the order of Peter the Great Russians began celebrating the New Year on January 1 and decorating the Christmas tree.

Changes affected not only the external side of life. Peter the Great carried out reforms that changed the country generally, made it stronger. For example, he created powerful navy, founded new cities, etc.

As a rule, artists portray Peter the Great confidently looking forward or widely stepping. Of course, there are exceptions.

The monument to Peter the Great, Petropavlovskaya fortress, St. Petersburg
In Petropavlovskaya fortress in St. Petersburg you can see sitting Peter the Great. Modern artist Mikhail Shemyakin created this monument. The sculpture looks strange because of enlarged proportions of Peter's body and the normal-sized head. Probably this monument shows Peter's face most accurately. As a basis, Mikhail Shemyakin used a wax mask from Peter's face and “Wax person” by Rastrelli. The monument was made in USA. Its height – 2.26 m.

The monument to Peter the Great, Moscow
Another unusual because of its sizes monument to Peter the Great was created by Zurab Tsereteli. It looks more canonical in form. Metallic emperor looks into the distance. You see completely different size of the masterpiece in comparison with Shemyakin’s monument. Its overall height – 98 m. Walking in Moscow you will spot it from afar. It is everything ok with its proportions except large size. Nevertheless, part of Russians dislikes it and serially offers to demount it.

There are really many monuments in Russia, dedicated to Peter the Great.

For example monuments to him tourists can visit in Voronezh and Lipetsk. All these cities are closely connected with the first Russian emperor. In Lipetsk you can compare your palm with the palm of Peter the Great.

Peter the Great palm, Lipetsk

In Voronezh there is historical copy of the ship, that was built under Peter the Great. Also there tourists will find the monument to Peter the Great and the square named after him.

Goto Predestinatia, Voronezh


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