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Visiting Beavers in Voronezh Region

Voronezh state reserve
The history of Voronezh state reserve began when Moscow scientists found there beavers. Earlier there was the opinion that all beavers were exterminated in Russia. After this in 1923 Voronezh state reserve was established.
Nowadays you can see not only beavers in the reserve. Tourists can also look at rare plants, walk along picturesque pathways, visit museums and just relax being surrounded by Russian nature.

Voronezh state reserve
Today the reserve is called in honour of Russian journalist, host of the popular show "In the world of animals" Vasiliy Peskov.
You can spend in the reserve one or several days. There is the hotel for tourists.

A beaver in Voronezh state reserve
Of course, tourists go to the reverse to look at beavers. By the way, you can even touch a beaver. But be careful. Don't touch beaver muzzle. An animal can bite you. And you should know that it can easily gnaw through a metal bar. Touch beaver back and you will feel how soft its fur is.

Beavers in Voronezh state reserve

A beaver in Voronezh state reserve
Beavers in the reserve live in special building, where every beaver can swim and spend time on the land. In the other building you can see a big aquarium that is a copy of beaver hut.
Learn more about beavers and nature of Voronezh region you can in beaver's museum and in the main building of the reserve - the museum of nature.

Voronezh state reserve
There are also three picturesque pathways of different length. For tourists wirh children there is the way of fairytales. Adults and of course children if they want can walk along two partways. Walking one of them you will see the river and swamps. You will step on wooden flooring and the way will be comfortable. Don't be in hurry and enjoy the moment.
Look around and you will find different trees and plants. Learn more about them and animals those live there you can from information stands.
Pay attention to large pine-trees. From these trees Peter the Great built ships for Russian navy.
Visiting the reserve in spring you will see plant bloom, for example, sleep-grass.
Pine-trees in Voronezh state reserve

Sleep-grass in Voronezh state reserve
I was in Voronezh state reserve several times and every time found something new and interesting.

Voronezh state reserve

Voronezh state reserve

Voronezh state reserve


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