Voronezh, Russia |
Voronezh was founded in 1586 as a fortress in 500 kilometers from
Moscow. The city with 400 year history was seriously damaged during the Second World War. More than 90% buildings in the city were destroyed. Voronezh was reconstructed to 1950: some old buildings were saved.
Voronezh is a city with nearly million citizens. There is a legend that in Voronezh the most beautiful women live. It is connected with
Peter the Great and building Russian navy here. You can decide by yourself it is true or not, but what you can definitely see is the copy of the
battleship «Goto Predestinatsia» («God's Foresight»). Tourists can visit this recreated ship and learn about Peter the Great, Russian navy and Voronezh as its craddle.
Voronezh, Russia |
Tourists will see «Goto Predestinatsia» on Voronezh embankment.
In Voronezh there are high-rise and small buildings. There are samples of different architectural styles. Most part of saved buildings is situated on Revolution Avenue.
Voronezh, Russia |
Voronezh, Russia |
Voronezh, Russia |
In the heart of Voronezh you can find not only richly decorated buildings. In the center you will also find a piece of countryside even with water column.
Voronezh, Russia |
The city is devided into two parts by the river Voronezh. Now between two banks there is reservoir that is called Voronezh sea. Historical center is situated on the hills of the right bank near water.
This is the oldest house in Voronezh.
Voronezh, Russia |
One more old building is Vigel homestead.
Voronezh, Russia |
This building is going to be reconsrtucted.
You can also walk along Karl Marks street. It is pedestrian territiry with several monuments. One of them is devoted to Vilgelm Stoll, a man who did a lot for Voronezh.
Voronezh, Russia |
Except monumets to famous people in Voronezh there are several sculptures devoted to heroes of cartoons and novells. One of them is the monument "The Kitten from Lisukova street".
Voronezh, Russia |
And the second is "White Bim with black ear".
Voronezh, Russia |
It is the puppet theater behind the monument.
Voronezh is known by its theaters and museums. There are art museum, local history museum and many others. One of the unusual museums is museum of trains near reailway station. You will see objects in the open air.
Voronezh, Russia |
Voronezh, Russia |
Yes, there are cute monuments and objects. But also there is one place that will make you to feel fear and sorrow. It is Rotunda. This is damaged during the Second World War building that was a part of the hospital. It was decided not to raconstruct it in order to anyone can realize consequences of war.
Voronezh, Russia |
Like in many Russian cities and towns there is Lenin Square with the monument to Vladimir Lenin. It is the part of USSR history.
Voronezh, Russia |
More Voronezh sights
Voronezh, Russia |
Voronezh, Russia |
Voronezh, Russia |
Voronezh, Russia |
Voronezh, Russia |
There are a lot of hotels in Voronezh. Tourists can also take part in various excurcions. But don't forget just to wander and have your heart and mind opened.
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