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Russian Athens near Voronezh

Kramskoy museum of history and art, Ostrogozhsk

Now it is time to tell about Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region. It is a small town in approximately 100 kilometers from Voronezh. It was founded in 1652 as a fortress.

Academician Alexander Nikitenko called Ostrogozhsk Voronezh Athens because several outstanding people lived there, in a small town. Authors Gavriil Troepolsky and Samuil Marshak, philosopher Nicolay Stankevich and others. A lot of things are connected with the great artist Ivan Kramskoy. He was born there, spent his childhood there, worked as a clerk, then retouched photos. It was the beginning of his life path.
The center of culture in Ostrogozhsk is Kramskoy museum of history and art. It is one of the oldest provincial museums in Russia. Many people took part in creation of this museum. One of them was the daughter of Ivan Kramskoy – Sofia. Now there are many things and drawings connected with Ivan Kramskoy in museum’s collection.

Moreover, there is ethnographic exposition dedicated to the region. 

Exposition of Kramskoy museum of history and art, Ostrogozhsk
One of the parts of museum is the gallery where you can see masterpieces of such artists like Aivazovsky, Kuindzhi, Repin, Polenov and, of course, Kramskoy.

Pay attention not only the collection of the museum but also to its building. Earlier it was used as a fire station. Especially for museum the son of Ivan Kramskoy, Nicolay, the architect built the second floor.

Near the museum, there is the monument to Ivan Kramskoy.

By the way, one more museum that was called in honor of Ivan Kramskoy is situated in Voronezh. I mean Voronezh regional art musem.

In Ostrogozhsk tourists can also visit the house where the artist lived. It seems so tiny.

Kramskoy house, Ostrogozhsk

There you can see ethnographic collection and exposition dedicated to Kramskoy family.

Kramskoy, Ostrogozhsk

One more thing in Ostrogozhsk that you should explore is town park and its gate. This gate is the symbol of the town like for example Brandenburg gate in Berlin.

The gate of Ostogozhsk park


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