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Showing posts from 2020

Drachenburg - the Castle of a Dragon in Germany

Drachenburg, Germany Drachenburg with its towers and terraces is not so old as it can seem. It was built in the second part of the XIX century on the right bank of the river Rhine not far from ex-capital of West Germany Bonn . D espite  its not a long history, there were events that at some time put the castle under the threat of demolition.   Rail to Drachenfels, Germany So Drachenburg is situated on the Drachenfels mountain on the right bank of the river Rhine. The nearest town to Drachenburg is Koenigswinter. From Koenigswinter tourists can walk to the castle or use a special railway.  Warning: the climb is long. I chose climbing and on the way to the castle I met some cute dragons. Drachenburg, Germany Drachenburg, Germany Drachenburg got its name because od the mountain on which it is located. Drachenfels is "the hill of dragon" in translation. And Drachenburg is "the castle of dragon". There is a legend that many centuries ago a dragon lived in the cave on thi

«Fuji» from my window in Russia

Voronezh, Russia Admiring the beauty of Mount Fuji, Japanese artist Hokusai created engravings that the whole world still enjoys. What would he paint, looking at a gray skyscraper that «ripped» the view? During the pandemic and my illness I must stay at home. So what I see from my window?

Old Achitecture, Bright Passages, Faust and Mephistopheles in the Heart of Leipzig

Leipzig, Germany As Bonn is a city of Bethoven so Leipzig is a city of Johann Sebastian Bach. Another world famous person connected with Leipzig is Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Nowadays Leipzig is a fast developing city with lots of places of interest.

Russia: Some Amazing Sights and Catchy Places (List of Locations)

Moscow, Russia Travelling is one of the most popular hobbies. Very often we want to visit different countries and forget about motherland. The more I travel to other countries, the more clearly I understand how little I have seen in my motherland. Today remembering all those fantastic sights I dream about new Russian trips and new adventures.  So, what have I already seen?

The Monument to the Battle of the Nations - 207 Years after One of the Main Fights of the Napoleonic Wars

The Monument to the Battle of the Nations, Leipzig, Germany The battle of the Nations took place in Leipzig, Saxony 16-19 October, 1813. It was the largest battle of Napoleonic wars. 207 years ago emperor Napoleon I fought against armies of Russia, Austria, Prussia and Sweden. This fight was the largest till World War I and there is the largest monument in Europe dedicated to it.

Bonn – Ex-capital of West Germany

Bonn, Germany When you say "Capital" you imagine, I think, a large city with varied architecture, lifestyles and so on. When you are in Bonn, it is really difficult to believe that this town could be the capital of West Germany. Now it looks like a province and not like a capital. But Bonn deserves tourists' attention in any case.

What to See in Hanover in One Day?

New City Hall, Hanover, Germany Hanover is the capital and the largest city of Lower Saxony in Germany. From this city my summer trip began. Because of world famous Hannover industrial fairs the city is considered as industrial. But there are a lot of places of interest and you will be in hurry like I was when you have only one day for visiting Hanover.

Dortmund: to Visit or not to Visit?

Dortmund city center, Germany Almost completely destroyed and now modern and populous - this post is about Dortmund, eighth-largest city in Germany with specific places of interest and lack of old architecture.

One Day in Dusseldorf: Old and New Architecture, Symbols and Lifestyle

Dusseldorf, Germany Dusseldorf  is one of the 10 largest German cities, the capital of state Norh Rhine-Westphalia. There I was really surprised by the number of shops and cafes. And not places of interest but they catch tourist's eye. Notwithstanding this fact there are many objects that must be seen.

A Dog or a Leopard? World Famous Porcelain Masterpieces from Saxony

Porcelain collection, Dresden Saxon porcelain is the world famous brand. There are two places in Saxony closely connected with porcelain. The capital of Saxony Dresden has great porcelain collection, that is in Zwinger exhibited. Another place  is a small town not far from Dresden - Meissen. It is the town where porcelain was firstly produced in Europe. But porcelain manufacturing technology was invented in Koenigstein - the fortress that is also situated in Saxony.

The Elbe Castles in Dresden

Eckberg, Dresden When we speak "Castle" we imagine in most cases something like fortifications or gothic building. Three castles on the Elbe aren't like that. They were built in XIX century and remain chic country villas.

Picturesque River Sights in Dresden

The Elbe, Dresden The Elbe is one of the most important rivers in central Europe. It flows not only in Germany, but also in Czech Republic .The Elbe area in Dresden is one of the most picturesque rivers.

The Zwinger - Baroque Masterpiece in the Heart of Dresden

The Zwinger, Dresden One of the most significant baroque buildings in Germany, the embodiment of luxury and monumentality - all these words can be said about the Zwinger, palace complex, situated in the heart of Dresden .

May in Dresden. Flowering photos

Dresden Despite the pandemic nature pleases people its awekening. Trees and bush bloom in Dresden streets. Enjoy these fantastic momements with me.

A Quick Look at Berlin

Berlin Cathedral Some time ago I visited Berlin, the city about which so many words were said in my school during German lessons. Look with me at its old streets with world famous places of interest.

Knights' fights in Dresden Armoury

Dresden Armoury Reading books about Middle Ages I have never thought that I will be able to see knights' might. I saw knight armour in Prague , but for me it was not so grand like in Dresden Armoury, where I was really impressed.

Meissen - Porcelain's Homeland in Europe

Meissen, Germany Meissen is situated not far from Dresden on the Elbe. Meissen has glorious history. Several centuries ago it was the capital of Saxony. The towm is well-knowm because of porcelain. There was the first place in Europe where porcelain was produced.

Pirna's Cosy Streets and Squares

Pirna, Germany Pirna is a German town situated not far from Dresden . If you want to feel Germany I advice you to pay attention to little towns. There you will find old buildings, narrow streets, calmness and cosiness.

Pillnitz - Country Residence of Saxon Kings with the Water Palace

Pillnitz, Germany Pillnitz is a country residence of Saxon kings, situated on the outskirts of Dresden . It includes a complex of buildings, a park with ponds and greenhouses. Moreover it is located on the Elbe bank. So there people can simuoltaniously enjoy nature and architecture.

Early spring in Dresden

Dresden spring They say that German winter in 2020 was the warmest one for the last 140 years. So in January and February some plants bloomed. But in the end of February the city really changed. Spring flowers appeared in parks and on the streets.

Koenigstein - Powerful Fortress on the Elbe

Koenigstein, Germany Fortress Koenigstein is situated in Saxon Switzerland , a part of Elbe Sandstone Mountains. The fortress with nearly 800 years history is located on a plateau at an altitude of 240 meters above the Elbe. If you want to visit the fortress by yourself and use train be ready for a long climbing.

Saxon Switzerland - Mountains and Picturesque Trails

Saxon Switzerland, Germany Saxon Switzerland is a part of Elbe Sandstone Mountains, situated not far from Dresden . It is a fantastic place where tourists enjoy picturesque sights. But be ready for long climbing.

Moritzburg - the Castle of Cinderella

Moritzburg castle, Germany Castle Moritzburg is situated in 14 km from Dresden . There you can easily get into a fairy tale. The castle was built in 16th century as a country estate for hunting. Many people saw this castle in a film and didn't know that it is a real building in Germany. I mean the fairy tale "Three nuts for Cinderella". It was shot there in 1973.

Koala, Flamingos, Giraffes and Cactus Thickets in the Center of Dresden

Dresden zoo Can you imagine flamingos, koalas, giraffes, zebras in the heart of Dresden? And what will you say about tropics in Germany? All these fantastic things you can see in the zoo and botanical garden in Dresden center. 

What to See in Dresden, the Town Called Florence on the Elbe?

Dresden, Germany Dresden with its cosy atmosphere has become the powerful source of inspiration for me. It is the place where you will find pleasant people, fantastic architecture, the place where you can rest and have fun.